Opinions & Stories

What is going on in the PR industry?

22 Jan 2014

Where are they now? Nicola Gilchrist, Director of Corporate Affairs for Central Europe, Mondelez

18 Jan 2014

Analytics training – a response to our “5 trends” blog

15 Jan 2014

Does your boss put purpose beyond profit?

13 Jan 2014

Where are they now? Nick Caplin, Director of Communications, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe

13 Jan 2014

5 Trends Likely to Affect You, if you’re looking for a new career step, or looking to hire, in Marcomms this year

10 Jan 2014

Where are they now? Stephan Engel, Managing Director, Regester Larkin Middle East

10 Jan 2014

Where are they now? Emma Fisher, Account Director, Wardour (previously Managing Director at Editorial Intelligence)

06 Jan 2014

Burnout in Financial PR and Corporate Comms?

17 Dec 2013

Don’t Just Sit There . . .

13 Dec 2013

Working in Tech PR is boring, dry and at the bottom of everyone’s career wish-list

06 Dec 2013

Where are they now? Andrea Nirsimloo

05 Dec 2013

If you want to get to the top, financial literacy in comms is essential.

01 Dec 2013

f1 Careers Centre at the PR Show, 25.11.13

27 Nov 2013

Where are they now? Victoria Palmer Moore

14 Nov 2013