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14 May 2014

One thing is for sure – employers want marketers who can count.

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by Anne Godfrey, Chief Executive, CIM

In recent research we asked employers what skills they wanted their marketers to have. It’s clear from the results that they want marketers who are financially literate and not afraid to talk to accountants. That’s why CIM is making metrics a compulsory element of our new CIM diploma syllabus beginning in September 2014. It’s also why I’m glad to hear about the new 2-Day course being organised in July by the Marketers’ Forum in partnership with f1 recruitment.

Marketers need a combination of generic financial skills and marketing metrics – the all-important ability to measure ROI. Strangely, having started in sales, I never considered myself a marketing person until I took up this role. However looking back I realise that I’ve had five jobs with marketing in the title and of course I am a marketer. I am however no stranger to numbers and the bottom line. Some marketers, on the other hand, prefer the creative elements of our profession and shy away from the numbers. But unless you take on P&L responsibility, and deliver real ROI, a marketer will struggle to be taken seriously. If there’s one thing you can do now to prepare yourself for a future in marketing it is to put yourself in a situation where you can build on your financial skill and confidence.

While it needn’t be the aspiration of every marketer to get onto the board CIM does expect marketing to have a voice at board level. Without access, influence and financial awareness it won’t earn this voice. In mapping out the professional pathway for marketing we have identified both the skills and behaviours necessary to progress. Many of us start as specialists but as you grow you will manage people right across the marketing spectrum. Being aware, if not expert, in other marketing specialism is essential for an effective manager.

However it’s not just about the numbers! Our research also told us that employers want innovation from their marketers. The need for innovative flair and financial acumen must make Marketing one of the most interesting places to build your career. It’s certainly never dull.

To find out more about the Marketers’ Forum course, Finance for Marketers, click here (For a discount put ‘f1’ in the comments line of your application)