International Expertise

Our HQ is in London and since 2004 we have been helping our clients grow internationally by finding expert Communications, Marketing and Sports Marketing professionals for the following regions:

UK & Ireland, Gulf region, South America, India, Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, USA.

Many of the candidates we have placed in these regions are in leadership roles in the countries we have moved them to and have contributed hugely to the success of the organisations they work for.

f1 Recruitment & Search operates under the umbrella of PartnerWise Collective. Based in the UK, PartnerWise Collective provides a diverse array of executive talent and leadership services on a global scale. The Collective is committed to bringing together innovative business founders, encouraging collaboration, and delivering premier talent solutions across the globe.

2024 will see us creating ‘in country value’ by creating a regional presence  in Abu Dhabi and Riyadh to service our clients in the UAE and in KSA. With strong growth in these markets, especially KSA, our international and regional clients need expert local employment market insight and dedicated resource to help find the best  talent for Marketing, Communications  & Sports Marketing leadership and second tier management roles.

We’ll be recruiting senior & mid level professionals on a permanent and interim basis either on a single assignment basis or by helping to hire a team.

The Marketing & Communications profession in Saudi and Abu Dhabi particularly is set for strong growth over the next five years. As well as continuing to find excellent senior expat talent from the UK, US, Australia and Europe to move to live and work in the Gulf region  we will help to identify the next generation of local leaders in  Marketing, Comms and Sports Marketing. Some will be Emirati and Saudi citizens who have been educated internationally,  now working  internationally ready to return to the Gulf region to continue their careers; others will be younger local talent wanting to develop a career inside our sector. And of course we will continue to help mid to senior expat talent already working in the Gulf region  who want a career move inside the region.

We particularly look for candidates with the following sector expertise

  • Sports & Entertainment, Leisure & Tourism
  • Energy/Renewables & Infrastructure
  • Culture/Arts & Education

We are committed to supporting and delivering to the KSA SA 2030 Vision and the UAE 2031 Vision.

We will help ensure that the Marketing, Sports Marketing & Communications sector is future proofed in the region by encouraging and helping to build local careers through our B Corp certified social change programmes.

  1. University & College Early Careers Programme–  Educating young professionals about careers paths in Marketing, Communications & Sports Marketing
  2. Employment for women through our Women Accelerator programmes

If you are a candidate looking to move to the UAE or KSA or a client looking to hire senior  to mid-level talent,  please email