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4 November 2016

Michelle Moore Wins Prestigious PRECIOUS Award for Outstanding Woman in Sport

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On Thursday 27th October 2016 in the historic surroundings of the Royal Institute of British Architects Michelle Moore was awarded The PRECIOUS Award for Outstanding Woman in Sport in the UK. Michelle was stunned to win and honoured to be amongst some brilliant women.

The PRECIOUS Awards are passionate about recognising success celebrating those women of colour in business and leadership, who demonstrate exceptional determination, innovation and entrepreneurial skills and talent.

Michelle is recognised for her outstanding work promoting equality and using sport as an agent for social change. Her strong commitment to women’s sport and in particular creating leadership opportunities for women and her positive impact on the lives of many young people were also recognised as exceptional.

Michelle was thrilled to receive this esteemed award and feels that these types of awards are vitally important for women of colour who face the intersections of racism and sexism on a daily basis. The PRECIOUS awards shine a light on unseen talent uncovering the success stories of women of colour and informing the wider business community and driving change. Founder Foluke Akinlose MBE is proud all 2016 finalists and the awards go form strength to strength now in their tenth year with ongoing endorsement from the Prime Minister.

Michelle received her award amongst other talented women of colour from academics, doctors, financiers and entrepreneurs to outstanding women in STEM and the Professional and Public Sectors. Read all about the finalists and winners here

More information on Michelle can be found @HelloMoore

Michelle is the Director of her Consultancy Company: Moore Development, a former athlete, Performance Consultant, Coach, Speaker and Sports Activist.