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15 February 2024

A very warm welcome to Subodh Tailor – Consultant (Account Manager) at Hanover Communications and latest Ambassador to NoTurningBack2020

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A very warm welcome to Subodh Tailor – Consultant (Account Manager) at Hanover Communications and latest ambassador to NoTurningBack2020

Tell us a little about yourself

  • Subodh is a Consultant in Hanover’s Health Policy, Advocacy and Public Affairs team. He leads Hanover’s Ethnicity diversity and inclusion workstream and is a trustee of Cancer Awareness for Teens and Twenties, leading on their policy and engagement work.

Why are you getting involved in NoTurningBack2020?

  • We need to be bolder about the subject of race in PR and comms and I’m really excited to be playing a part in making the sector more diverse and amplifying voices from ethnic minority backgrounds.