Welcome to Rubainya Oozeer, Senior Account Manager at BECG (Built Environment Communications Group) as new Ambassador to NoTurningBack2020
Here she tells us how she changed her career path from journalism to PR, how she broke into the sector, her thoughts on diversity and inclusion and hopes for the future
@rubainyaoozeer @ellamason @tanwaedu
I fell into communications about 5/6 years when I was looking into journalism as a career but found PR more appealing. Once I had my career goal set on communications, I did various internships in the FMCS sector before coming across my passion which is the built environment and worked my way up since then…
I love the versatility that my work provides me and the fact that I am doing something new and exciting very often. My role is mainly in Property PR when we constantly support our clients bring new projects to the public through our various strategies behind the scenes.
I think we still have a long way to go to make the Mar Comms sector more inclusive and truly diverse.This stems from the lack of knowledge and information offered to young adults who are thinking of a career where comms is still not showcased as a ‘successful’ career path and this needs to be addressed from the beginning of those young adults’ journey to attract a diverse talent pool.
I hope to be able support the existing diversity and inclusivity work being done to create a diverse Mar Comms sector and hope that the biased statistics in place will be lowered in the next few years.
If you truly want a career in the sector, persevere and educate yourself to find the right tools which will help your future success.