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5 December 2022

A very warm welcome to Rakhee Shah – Communications Director specialising in social impact and New Advisor to NoTurningBack2020

Lastest Posts

Corporate Communications Director – Riyadh, KSA


Associate Director – Thought Leadership


PR Account Director – Consumer Events, Content and Influencer


PR’s ageism problem – ‘the sector is getting left behind’


f1 Recruitment & Search Joins PartnerWise Collective

  • I’m currently offering senior level consultancy in PR across behaviour change, social impact and meaningful health campaigns – helping clients to reach both mainstream and ethnically diverse audiences. I’m also co-founder of a new Web3 community, Gold Bangle Club which aims to onboard South Asian women into this emerging space.
  • As a South Asian woman working in the marketing space, I’ve always experienced imposter syndrome, though I wasn’t able to identify this until late 2021. I’m keen to use my experiences of having climbed the corporate ladder and having worked on some of the most meaningful public health campaigns that have been created in England to raise awareness of the great opportunities in marcomms and No Turning Back is the only campaign in England of its kind, so I’m proud to be associated with it.