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23 November 2023

Wishing a Very Warm Welcome to Nelly So – Consultant at APCO Worldwide and new Ambassador to NoTurningBack2020

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We wish a very warm welcome to Nelly So – Consultant at APCO Worldwide and new Ambassador to NoTurningBack2020

I am currently a consultant at APCO Worldwide and am a member of the firm’s Corporate Communications practice. At APCO, I support clients in the technology and sustainability sectors on reputation management, media relations and regional communications programmes.

I have joined the No Turning Back 2020 initiative as an ambassador because I believe in the transformative power of diversity and inclusion. The communications industry is fundamentally a people business, thriving on diverse perspectives and experiences. By promoting diversity, we can tap into a wealth of creativity, driving more effective communication campaigns that resonate with a broader audience. Inclusion, on the other hand, ensures that these diverse voices are heard and valued. I am excited about the potential of No Turning Back 2020 to catalyse this change and look forward to contributing to an industry that is not only more representative but also more inspiring and impactful.

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