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6 January 2014

Where are they now? Emma Fisher, Account Director, Wardour (previously Managing Director at Editorial Intelligence)

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I went travelling for four months and when I came back I scoured The Guardian, looking for jobs. All I knew was that I was interested in Marketing. f1 told me about Editorial Intelligence and I started as Sales and Marketing Manager in June 2008 when the business was new and growing – it was a great time to join.

EI is a knowledge networking business. We focus not just on bringing people together but on the exchange of ideas that takes place when they come together. We curate events that facilitate this exchange and we also work with brands and sponsors, and have recently developed a training programme for managing networks and measuring their success.

In 2011 I became Managing Director and then joined the board. Small companies allow for great opportunities to learn and develop. When I joined we were just starting on two projects that are now very well-established events – the annual comment awards and our residential ideas conference.

Working with EI in a niche, B2B environment, means I have met and worked with a wide range of people from every sector and level. It’s not typical experience – we work with such a range of organisations and people. Being in a small team I’ve gained a deep understanding of the world of work and how different things fit together. Also of the logistics of major events and of company governance, business development and building relationships. After five and a half years here I’m moving to work for Wardour, a content marketing agency.

My top tip for anyone starting out in marketing and communications is: read around about different companies – not necessarily because you want to work for them but to give yourself a context and some understanding of the business, which will mark you out from others. Also be open. Get some experience and doors will begin to open for you.