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5 October 2016

Why aren’t we hiring flexibly?

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Demand for flexible working is on the rise but flexible job adverts are few and far between.

Katie Jacobs, Editor at HR Magazine, looks at the need for employers to address the growing need for flexible hiring options.

According to Amanda Fone, founder and CEO of f1 Recruitment, who has long campaigned for more flexible approaches to work, there are three common excuses she hears from hiring managers when she suggests they open a role up to flexibility. “‘The FD has signed off a five day a week role, and we don’t want to lose the budget’; ‘They will be running a team and they need to be in the office to coach and influence’; ‘It’s a client-facing role and the client wants to be able to get hold of them at any time.’” But, she adds, “all of those three reasons you can find a solution for if you really want to”.

You can read the full article here.