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31 January 2022

Take Part in the Creative Industry Culture and Inclusion Index Survey 2022

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Two years on from our very first Creative Industry Culture and Inclusion Index we are delighted to be launching our Index for 2022 in conjunction with NoTurningBack2020 and Campaign Magazine.

Take part in the Study   Survey

Read More :  We are excited and interested  to see how the notion of organisational culture has shifted due to the pandemic, the events surrounding George Floyd and the shift towards profit, planet and purpose.

The vast investment within the creative industry to further support People and Culture over the last two years have been incredible. But how much impact has this investment had? It leaves us with some questions:

  • What values matter most to you, your leaders and peers within the creative industry today?
  • How have these values changed over the last two years?
  • What culture do you want to see?
  • How inclusive is the industry? 
  • Are we any closer to achieving working cultures where Talent can thrive or is there still a long way to go?

Our Brands with Values six minute anonymous survey will help us to understand where the Creative Industry  as we look through the cultural and inclusion lens for 2022. Insights from the Index  will be an invaluable way to really assess how far progress within the creative industry has, or has not, helped the leadership agenda to support productive, inclusive and happy cultures.

Please share this Survey with as many people as you can  who work within the Sector. We would like  as many people as possible within the industry to have their say.

Social assets are  attached; feel free to use and share these together with #CreativityWithValues #noturningback2020 with clients and colleagues.

Looking forward to sharing the results.

Adrian Walcott

Managing Director, Brands with Values & Co Founder NoTurningBack2020