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27 September 2021

NoTurningBack2020 Talent Attraction announces 2021/2022 Careers Outreach programme supporting National Inclusion Week

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NoTurningBack2020 Talent Attraction announces 2021/2022 Careers Outreach programme supporting National Inclusion Week


NoTurningBack2020 has already has an exciting line up of  Autumn Ambassador careers presentations to students at Queen Mary’s University, Chester University and Goldsmiths, a wide range of Haberdashers Trust Schools and the Kensington Aldridge Academy.


Up to 2000 across the UK  17-23 year olds  from lower socio economic and black, Asian, minority ethnic communities will be included in the programme for  the 2021-2022 academic year. They will hear from our Young Ambassador team about why the Marketing, PR, Communications and Sports Marketing is such an exciting sector to join.


The overall aims of NoTurningBack2020  is for 20% of all marketing and communications professionals to come from black, Asian, minority ethnic Communities and from lower socio economic communities and for this 20% are to stay in our industry until they reach the very top jobs.


Our careers  talks include why our Ambassadors  decided to embark on careers in the sector and insights into their personal career journeys. Students learn about the Ambassadors’ day to day roles and their aspirations for greater diversity in the Sector. The talks have been crafted to inspire • Black, Asian & minority ethnic students • First in family at University • Students from lower socio economic communities to join the Marketing, PR & Sports Marketing sectors.


To find out more about NoTurningBack2020 Outreach and how your company can get involved email


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