The topic of WOMBA’s back2businessship session on 9th July was how to confidently deliver an elevator pitch to potential employers or connectors. Helen Sachdev and Alison Green, two of the Founders of WOMBA , explained the essential ingredients for an impactful elevator pitch to communicate expertise and greatest accomplishments.
By breaking down the pitch into an introduction, some context to our experiences and most importantly, how we’d like that person to help or offer advice, each participant was armed with the elevator pitch structure to follow. We were then sent off to build our own elevator pitch and subsequently practice them on each other and receive feedback from the group. The session was a useful one to enter the bright lights of job hunting and to have a pre-prepared and impressive introduction for people within and beyond our networks.
It was a great session all round and fantastic to see the other programme participants at the end of the zoom call once more. We may not have managed to complete back2businessship2020 in person, but it’s been brilliant that the programme has continued virtually over the spring and summer to help us improve our skills as we consider our next opportunities.