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10 December 2014

Happy Birthday to MyBigCareer

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by Celia Clark

It was inspiring to be part of the first anniversary celebrations for MyBigCareer, at the House of Lords, at the end of November. The evening was hosted by the Rt Hon Baronness Liddell of Coatdyke and distinguished guests included Business Secretary Vince Cable who spoke in his capacity as Patron of the charity.

Founder and Director of MyBigCareer, Deborah Streatfield, talked about the work that has been done over the past year as well as plans for the future and we then heard from two young people about how MyBigCareer has helped them. One of these was Kietra Brobby-Damte, one of the students from Cardinal Pole School in Hackney for whom f1 secured work experience in PR during the summer. She is now studying at Kent University and spoke eloquently about the support given to her by Deborah.

MyBigCareer is on a mission, driving for equality in the standard of careers guidance provided to all young people at school – something we wholeheartedly support at f1 recruitment. Visit to see how you can get involved, whether you’re a student, a school or college, a careers advisor or employer. The charity needs support and funding so spread the word and do what you can.

You can read more about what we did with MyBigCareer and Cardinal Pole School in February in our blog here.

05-Celia Clark