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16 March 2020

Business as usual, tips for remote interviews

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It’s business as usual here at F1.

Understandably many of our clients will be moving to video interviewing over the next couple of weeks, so here are some top tips for nailing that interview:

• Online video interviewing can be completed on your smartphone or laptop, If using your phone, be prepared to download an interviewing platform app such as Zoom, Skype or HireVue etc. Do this the day before.
• Ensure you check that your phone/laptop are working properly and that you have a strong internet connect prior to your interview starting
• Use headphones with speaker capabilities, using headphones supports clearer audio for both yourself and the interviewer
• Close all the other programmes on your computer espcially email alerts
• Think about using STAR based interview techniques : Situation, Task, Action &Results
• Practice makes perfect
• Take notes
• Eye contact – look at the other person not at yourself
• Sit up &place the phone/laptop the right distance away from you so you don’t have to keep moving the camera
• Go somewhere quiet with no background noise and no interruptions, especially if you are working from home
• Think about the backdrop behind you – what can the interviewer see?
• Finally, follow up with an Thank you email

If you want to speak to us about a role you are interested in, advice about interviewing, freelancing or want to place a role, we are always happy to speak over the phone and offer advice so please contact us.