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24 March 2024

Week 2 of Back2businessship 2024 begins today at VCCP Business

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Week 2 of Back2businessship 2024 begins today at VCCP Business and on Wednesday 27th we hold our speed networking event which gives company representatives the chance to meet our brilliant class of 24 returners.

Here we get an insight into the final day of week 1 from Polly Devaney and Rhiannon Humphries, two of this year´s inspirational group. A huge thank you to all at FleishmanHillard UK who hosted week 1

´Day three of the Back2Businessship 2024 programme kicked off with Rebecca Cheung and Tejas Chandarana from FleishmanHillard UK bringing us the latest influencer marketing insights. It was certainly interesting to learn that most brands are finding that influencer campaigns deliver a 60% higher ROI than traditional channels!


True Mosaic UK then talked to us about the importance of inclusive marketing communications and accessibility in creative campaigns, which will only become more vital given the European accessibility act coming into force next year. Thank you to Christina Peach, Christine Lydon, and Stacey Goebel.


Cristina Stief then shared her impressive expertise in all things social media, including the importance of putting social at the heart of all communication plans and cultivating an engaged community.


In the afternoon, Ian Williams took us through the gritty reality of the UK’s recent financial landscape and the challenges consumers are facing as a result. He highlighted that now, more than ever, brands need to consider how to best support their consumers through turbulent times.


The day closed with a lively ‘fireside chat’ with f1 Recruitment Limited CEO Amanda Fone and passionate champion of women’s careers, Juliet Turnbull. As founder and CEO of 2to3days days, Juliet Turnbull was generous and open with her candid reflections on gender equality in the workplace and recruiters’ attitudes towards flexible working.


A big thank you to all today’s presenters from FleishmanHillard UK and for hosting us all so well this week. Roll on week two!´

Come to meet our Returners on Wednesday 27th March at 5pm at our hosts

VCCP Business Greencoat House 15, Frances Street. SW1P 1DH

RSVP or contact Sarah Bishop

Read more about Back2businessship powered f1 Recruitment Limited here

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