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10 January 2014

5 Trends Likely to Affect You, if you’re looking for a new career step, or looking to hire, in Marcomms this year

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By Amanda Fone, managing partner, f1 recruitment

Powerful 2nd-Job Seekers – As business confidence picks up the traditional “second jobber” (the person with 2-4 years’ experience often in an agency) will be hot currency and will find themselves in a strong negotiating position. They need careful guidance about making the best possible next move.

The End of Pure-Play Financial PR? – It’s coming through loud and clear that financial PR is evolving fast. If you consider the issues of reputation re-build; a reduction in regulation; the imperative of social & digital strategies and an increase in M&A activity, it could be a very exciting year to be in this sector.

Improve Yourself – Whatever the economic conditions, it’s silly to sit still when it comes to your own professional development. Companies increasingly want to know that you are keeping up in your own time. And it’s good for your career. Take a keen look at your own skills set. Anything missing? How are you on P&L and reading the corporate balance sheet, for example?

The Data Crunch – week by week we see the demand for skill with analytics and big data increase, in order to better understand a client’s audience and create effectiveness. At every level.

Purpose and Profit – brands know that consumers and employees want to see evidence of purpose as well as profit. This year we’ll see CSR and social & behavioural change as less of a specialism and more a part of the marketing whole. It will evolve as digital has done – once a specialisation, now at the core of brand strategy.

And 3 books to read in early 2014:

Youtility:Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype by Jay Baer

The Way We Work isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz

Culture Shock: A Handbook For 21st Century Business by Will McInnes

We are writing more fully about these trends in the f1 blog. Follow us at